The Vision of Lichfield Christian Church

Our vision is to bring new life to a new neighborhood. Jesus said, “I came so that they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of” (John 10:10). We aim to do this through our Connect Groups where people come together to connect with God and others by considering what the Bible has to say to us today. Through fellowship in these groups …

  • people will have a sense of God’s purpose for their life
  • people will have power to defeat the darkness in their lives (eg. shame, guilt, feelings of depression, anger)
  • people will have a sense of the presence of God in their lives
  • people will be released from the fears that grip them
  • people will experience the peace which only God can bring them
  • people will experience reconciliation between them and God and between them and their fellow man
  • people will live as those who are forgiven by God of their wrongs
  • people will be able to forgive those who have wronged them

The Mission of Lichfield Christian Church

Our mission is to make devoted followers of Jesus Christ.