Please click on the question below to open up the answer.

When and Where does your church meet?

Please  contact us for more information on our meetings below. Normally, our primary meetings take place on Sunday and then in our Connect Groups which meet in members’ homes:

Tuesday, 10:30 – 12:30pmWomen’s Connect Group, 4 Caterbanck Way, Lichfield, WS13 6LR
Thursday, 8pm – 9.30pmConnect Group: various locations (contact us for details)
Sunday, 4.30pm – 5.45pmSunday Church Service Meeting Location>>

What kind of church are you?

We are a Christian church in the reformed, protestant tradition which believes the Bible which is the foundation document of the Christian faith.  We are a part of the FIEC network of churches which consists of over 600 churches in the United Kingdom. We also believe in all the historic creeds of the Christian faith which describe the message of the Bible (e.g. Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed and the Creed of Chalcedon).  We believe in the gospel which Jesus proclaimed and that it is “good news”.  It tells about man’s sinful nature, but also God’s love shown in sending His son, Jesus, to die for our sins and to take our guilt and penalty upon himself.  This great theme of reconciliation between man and God is the most important component of our faith (see 1 Corinthians 15:3-8).

Is your church a member of or affiliated with a particular denomination (e.g. Catholic, Anglican, Methodist)?

Our church is a member of The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) which is a fellowship of over 600 churches and has been in existence in the UK since 1922.

Is it ok to come and see what it’s like?

Yes, our church encourages people to explore Christianity and ask questions in order to learn.  There is no obligation (financial or otherwise) in attending a church service, Connect Groups or a course or any of our meetings.  We encourage visitors to come and learn more about Christianity. In fact, we run a regular course called “Christianity Explored” and the purpose of that course is designed to provide an atmosphere where people can learn about Christianity and the claims of Christ. The course explores the Gospel of Mark which is a book of the Bible which tells about the life and ministry of Jesus. We do this by reading Mark and then as a group discussing our findings with the help of the group’s leader.  Contact us if you are interested in taking such a course.

What is a Connect Group like?

Connect groups are friendly, informal gatherings which usually take place in someone’s home. We use the 4 W’s to describe what happens in our Connect Groups:

  • Welcome – we have a cuppa and some biscuits and maybe even a fun, light-hearted ice-breaker question to help participants get to know one another.
  • Worship – we spend time in worship using songs like those on the “Songs of Fellowship Small Group Worship” CD’s.
  • Word – we listen to teaching and discuss the Bible passage.  We open our heart and life to it to let it speak to us and change us to become more Christlike.
  • Witness – we pray for any needs that there are in the group to a God who hears our prayers and responds according to His good and perfect wise will.

Do you have any further questions? Please contact us and let us know

For a calendar of events and services please see our calendar.